Students and faculty pose with W&日本国旗.

Students participate in immersive travel experiences to Japan and Indonesia

Created: September 27, 2023  |  Last Updated: March 22, 2024  |  Category:   |  Tagged:

WASHINGTON, PA (September 27, 2023) – 15华盛顿 & 杰佛逊学院&J) students traveled to regions of Asia this past summer as part of the Luce Initiative on Asian Studies and the Environment (LIASE) Grant Program.

The participating students spent 14 days abroad – 11 students traveled to Japan, while four others traveled to Indonesia.

旅行前, the selected students participated in a semester-long, one-credit course examining the two countries’ history, 文化与环境. 这门课是由W&在各自的行程中担任团队领导的教师和学院外的亚洲研究专家.

“We began this grant work in 2016, 而访问中国/印度尼西亚/日本是澳门葡京博彩软件努力的重要组成部分, 澳门葡京博彩软件在学院围绕亚洲环境研究建立的课程,以及澳门葡京博彩软件与这些国家的合作者建立的持久关系, will ensure long-term sustainability which the grantor expects,” said Dr. Robert East, 环境研究项目的副教授和主任,也是该基金最初的首席研究员.

The following students participated in the two trips.


  • Tanya Banks, senior psychology major
  • 吉利安·柯蒂斯,23岁
  • 拿俄米Shemory, senior international studies major and Russian studies, creative writing and Asian studies minor
  • Jordyn White, senior political science and international studies major


  • Kourtney Byers, sophomore environmental science and computing & 信息研究专业
  • 保罗·科利尔,23岁
  • 特蕾莎·德文森斯,23岁
  • Felicia Filippini, junior environmental studies major and gender & women’s studies and studio art minor
  • Isabella Fiore, sophomore undeclared major
  • 娜塔莉·福特,大三学生,主修环境研究和公共政策辅修非营利组织管理
  • Maxwell Jackman, sophomore undeclared major
  • 凯莉·杰斯特,23岁
  • Caden Kim, sophomore biochemistry major
  • 卡门的孤独者
  • Three Tiger, sophomore undeclared major

这两次旅行都旨在研究文化与自然环境和人造环境的交叉性, 它为学生们提供了许多千载难逢的乡村经历, towns, cities and landscapes within Indonesia and Japan.


For the Indonesia trip, the faculty trip leaders were Dr. East; Dr. Zheya Gai, professor of political science and international studies; and Dr. James March, associate professor of biology.

Dr. Gai说这次旅行在很多方面都是独一无二的,并分享了她对他们在旅途中遇到的人的感激之情,以及她对W的骄傲&J students.

“The expertise and professionalism of our hosts, especially the many young female professionals and students, 令人印象深刻,” said Dr. Gai. “[And our students] immersed themselves eagerly and sincerely. They made excellent contributions to the academic exchanges we had with our hosts.”

Among the many experiences on the islands of Java and Sumatra, the group toured the site of the historical 1955 Bandung Afro-Asian Conference, interacted with endangered Sumatran elephants, 在高山雨林中露营, interviewed operators of an oil palm plantation, 评估了红树林保护工作,参观了纪念2004年班达亚齐灾难的国家海啸博物馆.

Jordyn White, looking to pursue a career as a U.S. diplomat, 喜欢与世界各地的人交流,体验他们的生活方式.

“Gaining a global perspective as a W&J学生一直受到鼓励,因为它丰富了澳门葡京博彩软件机构的基本特征, 比如连通性, respect, 同理心和包容,怀特分享道。. “这次经历教会了我很多,让我更加欣赏文化的价值.”

Regardless of their focus area or academic background, all students walked away with an appreciation for the trip’s events.

“From the moment I stepped foot in the airport to depart, to the final goodbye after two weeks…I was broadening my horizons every second,吉莉安·柯蒂斯说. “The trip was life-changing and perspective-altering.”

“像这次旅行这样的沉浸式体验可以帮助学生练习跨学科思维, communication and cross-cultural collaboration skills. 这些技能, combined with the increased confidence that these experiences provide, will further prepare our students to make a positive impact in the world,” added Dr. March.


Students on the Japan trip were led by Dr. Nobunaka Matsuno, professor of chemistry; Dr. Jennifer Logan-Bayline, professor of chemistry; Dr. Elizabeth Bennett, professor and chair of psychology; and Dr. Han Ye, associate professor of Chinese.

“这次日本之行对澳门葡京博彩软件的学生来说是一次丰富语言技能和拓展文化视野的深刻机会,” said Dr. Han. “我很高兴看到澳门葡京博彩软件的学生在这次旅行中积极参与. 这些时刻证明了他们的适应能力和走出舒适区的意愿.”

保罗·科利尔(Paul Collier)能够将之前学习的环境管理与日本神道教和净土佛教的系统影响之间的关系联系起来.

“As these are collectivist traditions that revere the natural world, 去日本旅游, 我亲眼目睹并调查了这些宗教对日本环境保护措施的影响,” he shared.

科利尔也意识到, “环境保护的斗争不仅要靠政策和游说来赢得胜利,还需要在哲学和道德上真正转向重视自然世界.”

Overall, 这群人享受了许多以日本文化为中心的独特体验,以及他们对自然的尊重和热爱. 娜塔莉·福特通过体验日本的城市和各种神社得出了这个结论.

“当我看到各种各样的神殿时,我很清楚这一点,因为有许多元素嵌入其中,将精神与自然联系起来. 他们对自然的尊重也体现在日本的原始城市中,”她分享道.

Kourtney Byers also noted the Japanese culture of preservation.

“This was a drastic difference from U.S. 我去过的城市, 街道的清洁表明了日本人对周围环境的重视程度,拜尔斯说. “这次经历为我更好地了解其他国家如何处理环境问题和保护自然环境搭建了一座桥梁.”

三虎同意拜尔斯的说法, 指出日本“令人印象深刻的技术进步和对环境保护的承诺”.”

“这次大开眼界的旅行让我了解了如何保护环境, and I am eager to apply it to my lifestyle,老虎想。.


As takeaways for all students involved in the grant, Dr. Gai shared, “我相信这次旅行为他们打开了一个新的世界,使他们能够想象新的、更令人兴奋的生活道路.”

周二,学生们在一年一度的LIASE研讨会上展示了他们的研究课题和旅行经历, Sept. 19.

“旅行结束后在教室和其他场合的讨论让我相信,这些学生现在更好地理解了成为世界公民的意义,并意识到为应对全球环境挑战做出专业贡献的可能性,” added Dr. East.

LIASE计划, funded by the Henry Luce Foundation, 旨在支持集成, 在环境研究的背景下促进亚洲研究的创新项目和计划. Following successful completion of a one-year exploratory grant, W&J’s four-year implementation grant capitalized on the unique faculty strengths, 程序化的利益, needs and priorities of the College.

For more information, contact Dr. East at or 724-503-1001, extension 3358.

About the Henry Luce Foundation

亨利·卢斯基金会旨在通过促进创新学术来丰富公共话语, 培养新的领导者, and fostering international understanding. 1936年由亨利. Luce, the co-founder and editor-in-chief of Time, Inc., 卢斯基金会通过在亚洲地区的资助和领导项目来推进其使命, 高等教育, 宗教与神学, art, 以及公共政策.

对华盛顿 & 澳门葡京博彩软件

Washington & 澳门葡京博彩软件, located in the Pittsburgh suburb of Washington, 宾西法尼亚, 一所历史悠久的文理学院成立于1781年,重视道德领导吗, professional readiness and inclusive communities. 澳门葡京博彩软件高度定制和智力参与的学生体验培养了不同寻常的诚信专业人士,在不断变化的世界中发挥领导作用. 欲了解更多关于W&J、访问www.washjeff.或致电888-W-AND-J.